Quand :
8 octobre 2024 @ 14 h 30 min – 17 h 00 min

Séminaire Terrains, Analyse et COmparaison des Langues (TACOL)

La prochaine séance de notre séminaire TACOL aura lieu le mardi 08 octobre 2024 à 14h30, sur place (salle de réunion 311, Campus CNRS de Villejuif) et sur Zoom.

Nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir et d’écouter Jesse Hancock-Teed (Universität Bern).

Titre de la présentation :

“The Trans-Mississippian Hypothesis as it Stands Today”

Résumé :

Since at least as early as Sapir (1929), there has been a tradition in the literature arguing that the Iroquoian (iroq1247) and Caddoan (cadd1255) families are genealogically related. Most famously, this grouping was assumed to be a primary sub-branch of the Macro-Siouan hypothesis of Chafe (1976). In the intervening half-century there has been a descriptive and documentary revolution in both Iroquoian and Caddoan linguistics, with most Iroquoian and some Caddoan languages now having basic descriptive materials. In response to that work, the theory was taken up again by Hancock-Teed (2022) and Hancock-Mac Tamhais (2024) where it was named the “Trans-Mississippian Hypothesis.” This presentation will provide a state of the art overview of the hypothesis as it stands today.
The Trans-Mississippian hypothesis rests on around sixty core lexical cognates showing regular sound changes. Building on these correspondences, the talk turns to case studies in the reconstruction of the verbal complex. Particular attention will be paid to the pronominal prefixes, aspectual marking, and derivational suffixes. The talk will close with a forward looking view on the structure of Proto-Trans-Mississippian predicate syntax by proposing that the well-known polysynthetic verbal complexes of the Iroquoian and Caddoan languages were not yet developed by the break up of the proto-language.


Chafe, Wallace L. 1976. The Caddoan, Iroquoian, and Siouan Languages. Vol. State-of-the-Art Reports 3 (Trends in Linguistics). The Hague: The Netherlands: Mouton.
Hancock-Mac Tamhais, J Drew. 2024. Reconstructing the Proto-Trans-Mississippian Pronominal Prefixes. Bismark: USA.
Hancock-Teed, J Drew. 2022. Revisiting Iroquoian and Caddoan: Preliminary Comparison from Inflectional and Derivational Morphology. Charlottesville: USA.
Sapir, Edward. 1929. Central and North American Languages. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Pour toute demande d’information, merci de contacter Lameen Souag

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