STUF – Language Typologie and Universals 67(1)
“Berber in Typological Perspective”

Sommaire / Summary
  • Catherine Taine-Cheikh et Cécile Lux, Préface (1-6)
  • Rachid Ridouane, Anne Hermes et Pierre Hallé, Tashlhiyt’s ban of complex syllable onsets: phonetic and perceptual evidence (7-20)
  • Maarten Kossmann, Derivational gender in Moroccan Berber: examples from Ayt Seghrushen (21-33)
  • Lameen Souag, Siwi addressee agreement and demonstrative typology (35-45)
  • Amina Mettouchi, Foundations for a typology of the annexed/absolute state systems in Berber (47-61)
  • Catherine Taine-Cheikh, Qualification and comparison in Berber. The verb-noun distinction and its Fluctuations (63-79)
  • Lionel Galand, Typology of relative clauses: the case of Berber (81-96)
  • Mena Lafkioui, Topicalization in Berber: a typological perspective (97-112)
  • Cécile Lux, Focalization process and intonation in Meridional Berber: the case of Tamasheq and Tetserret (113-126)
  • Vermondo Brugnatelli, Typology of Eastern Medieval Berber (127-142)


[Le début de l’Introduction / The beginning of the Introduction]

If one excludes migratory phenomena of the 20th and 21st centuries, the Berber domain is exclusively African. It reaches from the far western Egypt to the Atlantic and from the Mediterranean to the south of the Sahara but covers more or less extensive areas. Berber has been under plurisecular pressure from Arabic and this has favored a tendency to bilingualism since independence in countries where Arabic was adopted as the official language. In the Maghreb, however, the number of Berber speakers remains high and the two main Berber speaking countries, Morocco and Algeria, have recently granted new legal status to the Berber language.1 Similarly, farther to the South, Tuareg has been granted some recognition in countries such as Niger and Mali, where it has the status of a national language. In other countries, with the exception of Libya where the fall of Qaddafi could open a new era, the status of the Berber has little chance of changing in the near future; Berber speaking communities in Tunisia, Egypt, Burkina Faso and Mauritania are certainly too small for their possible cultural and political demands to be heard. […]

TAINE-CHEIKH Catherine et Cécile LUX (eds), 2014, Berber in Typological Perspective, STUF – Language Typologie and Universals 67(1), München, Akademie Verlag, 142 p.

Publié fin mai 2014

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