Mezane Konuk

Mezane KONUK  

PhD in Linguistics

ATER, Sorbonne Nouvelle University

Dissertation defended at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, 5 December 2022: « Grammatical description of Abzakh – a West Circassian dialect » under the supervision of Alexis Michaud, CNRS – LACITO

Research expertise

  • Morphosyntax
  • linguistic typology
  • Caucasian languages
  • Circassian, subordination
  • syntactic alignment
  • linguistic variation.


Research projects

Opération de recherche au LACITO :
• Terrains, Analyses, et Comparaison des Langues



Caucase – langues caucasiques du nord-ouest – syntaxe – tcherkesse occidental – abzakh


  • September 2017 – December 2022: Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

PhD student at « Ecole Doctorale 622 Sciences du langage »
Dissertation title: Description grammaticale de l’abzakh – Tcherkesse occidental
(Eng: Grammatical description of Abzakh – a West Circassian dialect)

  • 2016 – 2017: Université Paris Est Créteil – Val de Marne

MA2 degree in « Lettres, Discours, Francophonie »
Scholarship of the French Government – Double degree program
Title of the MA thesis: Analyse du syntagme nominal de la langue adyghé – Dialectes occidentaux (In accordance with the double degree program between two universities)

  • 2015 – 2017: University of Galatasaray

MA1 degree in « Comparative Literature and Applied Foreign Languages »
Title of the MA thesis: Analyse du syntagme nominal de la langue adyghé – Dialectes occidentaux (In accordance with the double degree program between two universities)

  • 2008 – 2014: University of Galatasaray

BA degree in «Comparative Literature and Applied Foreign Languages – French Language and Literature » (2 years of preparatory class + 4 years of bachelor’s program


  • Konuk Mezane, “Applicative constructions in Abzakh – a West Circassian dialect”, Journal of Caucasian Studies, Vol. 8 Issue. 14, 2023, p. 83-108 (
  • Abzakh corpus on Pangloss Collection – open archive of LACITO – CNRS, 2020 (
  • Konuk Mezane, “The System of the grammatical determinants of verbs in Abzakh dialect spoken in Turkey – Tense, Aspect and Mood”, Adige Filolojisi II – Adige Dünyasinin Bugünü, Düzce Üniversitesi Yayinlari, 2019, p. 116-324 – Conference proceedings
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