« Languages and Cultures of Oral Tradition »
UMR 7107 – CNRS

Since 1976, LACITO has been exploring the diversity of languages and civilizations with an oral tradition.
This diversity, studied by means of immersion fieldwork within speaker communities, is described and modelled by analyzing the historical, geographical and social factors that shape it. 

How to find us

Book │ ENDANGERED LANGUAGES │ E. Adamou © 2024

      Endangered Languages By Evangelia Adamou Copyright 2024         Description A concise, accessible introduction to language endangerment and why it is one of...

Datathon de la parole | 18-19 novembre 2024, Paris, France

Datathon de la parole, 18-19 novembre 2024 : dépôt, archivage et diffusion des corpus oraux (linguistique, socio-linguistique, histoire orale) Le Groupement de recherche « Linguistique Informatique,...

Ouvrage │ Understanding Language Contact │ E. Adamou, B.E. Bullock and A.J. Toribio © 2024

1st Edition Understanding Language Contact By Evangelia Adamou, Barbara E. Bullock, and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio Copyright 2024         Description Understanding Language...

ELAD-SILDA │ /Pyi2/ et le discours au présent en birman │ San San HNIN TUN. 2023

        San San HNIN TUN. 2023. /Pyi2/ et le discours au présent en birman San San Hnin Tun, « /Pyi2/ et le discours au présent en birman », ELAD-SILDA [En ligne], 8 | 2023, mis...

Book │ Recueil de contes bwa du Mali – Parents et enfants, quelle histoire ! │ Cécile LEGUY, Pierre DIARRA, Zufo Alexis DEMBELE & Joseph Tanden DIARRA. 2023

        Cécile LEGUY, Pierre DIARRA,Zufo Alexis DEMBELE et Joseph Tanden DIARRA. 2023. Recueil de contes bwa du Mali Parents et enfants, quelle histoire ! Cécile LEGUY, Pierre...

Book │ The Tibetic Languages: an introduction to the family of languages derived from Old Tibetan │ Nicolas Tournadre and Hiroyuki Suzuki. 2023

Nicolas Tournadre and Hiroyuki Suzuki. 2023. The Tibetic Languages: an introduction to the family of languages derived from Old Tibetan LACITO-Publications, Linguistic Diversity 2, 1151 p., 17 maps,...

Chapitre d’ouvrage │ Les limites de la diversité linguistique │ In Alexandre Gefen (dir.), Un monde commun, CNRS Éditions, 2023

Alexandre Gefen (dir.)   Un monde commun Les savoirs des sciences humaines et sociales CNRS Éditions Les limites de la diversité linguistique Evangelia Adamou et Tatiana Nikitina   Si la...

DGfS 2023 | Workshop | Uninflectedness

The financial support of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the "Investissements d'Avenir" programme with the reference ANR-10-LABX-0083 is gratefully acknowledged. Workshop description...

Caused Accompanied Motion Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective

Caused Accompanied Motion Bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective Editor(s) : Anna Margetts (Monash University), Sonja Riesberg (CNRS-LaCiTO & University of Cologne) and...

Events and activities

Pangloss Collection

An open archive of endangered  languages

Les carnets du LACITO

Diversity of languages and civilizations


Language diversity and historical change – Oceanian languages – Burmese – Introduction to ethnolinguistics – Oceanian languages – Tibeto-Burmese languages – Historical linguistics and Austronesian comparatism – Typology and dialogue: the informational structuring of questions and answers – Typology and diversity of languages

map of languages studied at the LaciTO

Linguistic and cultural areas

To explore classified languages…


Upcoming or past

Conferences and presentations

Since 2004


“Archive of research dissemination”


(movies, lectures and talks)

Current Theses


Theses defended


40 photos for Lacito’s 40th birthday

15 November – 16 December 2016
40 photos for Lacito’s 40th birthday

On the occasion of the international conference
“From field to theory – 40 years of LACITO”,
we are proud to exhibit a selection of photos by researchers from our laboratory,
showcasing 40 years of its existence.

Recently published

Reference book

Du terrain au cognitif – Linguistique, ethnolinguistique, ethnosciences

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