Doctoral training
LACITO is a research laboratory. As such, it can accommodate doctoral students working under the direction of the laboratory’s researchers and teacher-researchers.
PhD supervision
The number of doctoral students registered at LACITO is generally between 20 and 30. More specifically, students do not register directly with LACITO, but with a thesis director within a doctoral school associated with a university. If the PhD supervisor (or co-supervisor) is affiliated with LACITO, then the doctoral student automatically reports to our laboratory.
If you wish to register for a doctorate in our laboratory, you must first contact one of the LACITO members authorized to supervise a thesis:
- members affiliated with the ED622 doctoral school (Sorbonne nouvelle): J. Costa – S. Fedden – C. Leguy – A. Michaud
- members affiliated with the ED265 doctoral school (INALCO): E. Adamou – I. Leblic
Before contacting one of these scholars, please read their scientific profile carefully, to make sure that they are suited to your project.
Doctoral students registered at LACITO regularly receive information on training, seminars, and other scientific events. They also receive information but also on possible funding, and more generally on the life of the laboratory. They have access to office space, printing tools, and a common room. Above all, they can apply for funding for their travels, whether to participate in conferences or conduct fieldwork. The LACITO provides the loan of audio or video recording equipment.
LACITO cannot, however, directly offer grants or doctoral contracts. These are offered by doctoral schools, external systems (e.g. CIFRE), the Labex EFL, etc.
Seminars open to doctoral students
We strongly encourage our doctoral students to participate in our various seminars, our summer schools, and other types of training or teaching. This year the following seminars were offered:
- “Language Games”: A Research Seminar in Linguistic Anthropology (presentation here)
- Organizers: I. Leblic, B. Masquelier
Monthly online seminar. Contact the organizers if you are interested.
- Critique and/in sociolinguistics (presentation here)
Seminars from previous years:
Université Sorbonne
Nouvelle – Paris 3
(ED 622)
- Science ouverte – Enjeux et méthodes (présentation : ED622 / Himalco)
Responsable : A. Michaud
Semestre 1 (2021-2022) les mardis de 10 h à 12 h, au CNRS de Villejuif (bât. D, salle de conférences)
Dates : 04 janvier, 11 janvier, 25 janvier 2022
Seminar accredited by the doctoral schools of the Sorbonne Nouvelle and INALCO.
- Concepts et méthodes de l’anthropologie linguistique pour l’enquête de terrain (présentation en pdf)
Responsable / C. Leguy
Semestre 2 (2020-2021), les jeudis de 14h à 16h, Maison de la recherche, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris (salle à préciser)
- Typologie linguistique / Typologie et évolution des langues austronésiennes (I. Bril, 2022-2023, cf. EPHE)
- Typologie linguistique / Typologie et évolution des langues austronésiennes (lien)
Master (M2) et doctorat de linguistique par I. Bril
Semestres 1 et 2, les mercredis, de 10h à 12h, en Sorbonne, escalier E (salle D052)
- Typologie et abstraction (lien)
Doctorat de linguistique par A. Lemaréchal
Semestres 1 et 2, les jeudis, de 16h à 18h, en Sorbonne, escalier E (salle D052)