
Colors of pins used to locate languages give some more information:
• blue: Lacito languages with oral resources or more ;
• white: Lacito languages without oral resources ;
• yellow: languages with oral resources, but not studied by Lacito.

The Pangloss Collection is a freely accessible multimedia archive that brings together resources – especially audio – that reflect decades of fieldwork by Lacito and other researchers.

Pangloss currently hosts more than 3100 files, representing about 140 different languages spoken on the planet. Among these resources, more than a third are accompanied by textual annotations: transcriptions, translations, sometimes with interlinear glosses.

All these texts constitute valuable linguistic corpora, which can inspire and feed future linguistic studies.


To explore languages classified…

  • by geographical area, choose the interactive map (below)

  • in alphabetical order, click here

  • by Language family, click here


    Africa and the Middle East





    Grenier familial (Pauldaga)
    Paul I. (7 ans) exhibant fièrement un omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus) qu'il vient de pêcher (Nunavut)
    La tenue moderne d'un prêtre-chamane (Xiangjiao)
    Hairiye Alparslan : préparation du pain (région de Çorum, en 1969)
    Tressage d'un beno (Ouvéa, Îles Loyauté, Nouvelle-Calédonie)
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