Ecole de Lahlap (Motalava)

Research at the Lacito


Terrains, analyse et comparaison des langues (TACOL)

SupervisorsLameen Souag and Yann Le Moullec

In the fall of 2017, the two LACITO seminars “Fieldwork” and “Problems of Analysis and Comparison of Languages” are merging. You are now invited to the monthly seminar Fielwork, Analysis and Comparison of Languages (TACoL), which is open to all – especially doctoral students, but not only..

Next presentations:

Detail coming soon 

Future talk : Detail coming soon



Previous presentations

Tuesday 08 october 2024 at 2:30 pm, talk by Jesse Hancock-Teed (Universität Bern): "The Trans-Mississippian Hypothesis as it Stands Today"


Since at least as early as Sapir (1929), there has been a tradition in the literature arguing that the Iroquoian (iroq1247) and Caddoan (cadd1255) families are genealogically related. Most famously, this grouping was assumed to be a primary sub-branch of the Macro-Siouan hypothesis of Chafe (1976). In the intervening half-century there has been a descriptive and documentary revolution in both Iroquoian and Caddoan linguistics, with most Iroquoian and some Caddoan languages now having basic descriptive materials. In response to that work, the theory was taken up again by Hancock-Teed (2022) and Hancock-Mac Tamhais (2024) where it was named the “Trans-Mississippian Hypothesis.” This presentation will provide a state of the art overview of the hypothesis as it stands today.
The Trans-Mississippian hypothesis rests on around sixty core lexical cognates showing regular sound changes. Building on these correspondences, the talk turns to case studies in the reconstruction of the verbal complex. Particular attention will be paid to the pronominal prefixes, aspectual marking, and derivational suffixes. The talk will close with a forward looking view on the structure of Proto-Trans-Mississippian predicate syntax by proposing that the well-known polysynthetic verbal complexes of the Iroquoian and Caddoan languages were not yet developed by the break up of the proto-language.


Chafe, Wallace L. 1976. The Caddoan, Iroquoian, and Siouan Languages. Vol. State-of-the-Art Reports 3 (Trends in Linguistics). The Hague: The Netherlands: Mouton.
Hancock-Mac Tamhais, J Drew. 2024. Reconstructing the Proto-Trans-Mississippian Pronominal Prefixes. Bismark: USA.
Hancock-Teed, J Drew. 2022. Revisiting Iroquoian and Caddoan: Preliminary Comparison from Inflectional and Derivational Morphology. Charlottesville: USA.
Sapir, Edward. 1929. Central and North American Languages. Encyclopedia Britannica.


Monday 08 jully 2024 at 2:30 pm, talk by Valentina Alfarano (post-doc at the University of Oslo): "Valency morphology and verb classes in Santa Cruz language: a view from Proto-Oceanic"


Reefs-Santa Cruz (RSC) languages, which belong to a primary subgroup of the Oceanic family (Ross & Næss 2007), are spoken in Temotu province, the easternmost province of Solomon Islands. They include Äiwoo, spoken in the Reef Islands, and the three languages of Santa Cruz (SC) Island, namely, Natügu, Nalögo and Engdewu. In the Oceanic literature, RSC languages have always been regarded as “aberrant” (Wurm 1969). Their origins have been debated for more than thirty years until 2007, when they were finally recognised as Oceanic (Ross & Næss 2007). In terms of valency-changing devices and clausal structure, RSC languages as a group show some unusual patterns. On the one hand, Äiwoo is analysed as having a symmetrical voice system with three basic voices, that is, actor voice, undergoer voice, and circumstantial voice (Næss 2021). Symmetrical voice systems are thought to have been lost in the transition from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to POc (Lynch et al. 2002: 60–62). On the other hand, SC languages display more canonical Oceanic transitivity-based systems, with some valency-changing devices of POc origin.

While some studies have been conducted on the functions and origins of the voice markers in Äiwoo (Næss, 2013, 2021), SC languages still lack a detailed comparative-historical analysis of their valency morphology. The aim of this talk is to analyze the functions and distribution of two SC valency-increasing devices, (v)a- and -ti, reflexes of POc *pa[ka]- and *-i, as well as showing how verb classes evolved over time. I will show that the SC causative (v)a- retained all the causative functions of *pa[ka]-, as well as a non-causative one, namely, marking verb modifiers (Evans 2003). However, unlike *pa[ka]-, (v)a- can also occur with transitive verbs, even though this use has only one attestation in Nalögo. The SC applicative -ti is the affix showing most formal and functional changes in the transition from POc to SC. It retained most functions of POc *-i, but many of them are decaying or decayed. Along with the uses inherited from POc, some innovative functions developed over time. Overall, it seems that the role of POc *-i in deriving transitive verbs is decaying in SC. This phenomenon might have contributed to the emergence of a new class of transitive verbs detransitivized by the prefix (v)ö-, a marker with middle/reciprocal semantics and a possible reflex of POc *paRi- (Lichtenberk 2000, Bril 2005). In the last part of the seminar, time permitting, I will compare the functions of SC valency morphology with the voice and valency markers attested in Äiwoo.



Bril, Isabelle. 2005. Semantic and functional diversification of reciprocal and middle
prefixes in New Caledonian and other Austronesian languages. Linguistic Typology 9:25–76.
Evans, Bethwyn. 2003. A study of valency-changing devices in Proto Oceanic. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
Lichtenberk, Frantisek. 2000. Reciprocals without reflexives. In Reciprocals: Forms and functions, ed. by Zygmunt Frajzyngier and Tracy S. Curl, 31–62. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Lynch, John & Ross, Malcolm & Crowley, Terry. 2002. The Oceanic Languages. Richmond: Curzon Press.
Næss, Åshild. 2013. From Austronesian voice to Oceanic Transitivity: Äiwoo as the “Missing Link”. Oceanic Linguistics 52(1): 106–124.
———. 2021. Voice and Valency Morphology in Äiwoo. Oceanic Linguistics 60(1), 160–198.
Ross, Malcolm & Næss, Åshild. 2007. An Oceanic Origin for Äiwoo, the Language of the Reef Islands?. Oceanic Linguistics 46(2): 456–498.
Wurm, Stephen Adolphe. 1969. The linguistic situation in the Reef and Santa Cruz Islands. In Papers in the linguistics of Melanesia 2, Pacific Linguistics A-21, 47–105. Canberra: The Australian National University.



Tuesday 21 may 2024 at 2:30 pm, talk by Mezane KONUK : "Correlative constructions in Abzakh: an interrogative-based structure?"


The correlative constructions were first studied in Indo-Aryan languages where a sentence-initial relative clause has a demonstrative correlate in matrix clause. But in recent works, it has been attested that the correlative constructions may show morphosyntactic differences. The reason why the diversity of these constructions has not received a high interest until recently is that they are disguised in another structure attested in the given language (e.g. counterfactuals etc.). Thus, from typological point of view, classification of the correlative types is not easy and requires a detailed look on the morphosyntactic properties of the given language.
From an areal point of view, a classification of the correlatives in the Caucasian languages either as relativization-based or interrogative-based constructions has been proposed. At first sight, Circassian might be considered to have an interrogative-based construction due to the use of interrogative pronouns. Nevertheless, the morphosyntactic properties of a correlative construction and that of a partial interrogative sentence are different, which leads us to reconsider this classification method.
In this talk, we will discuss the morphosyntactic features of the correlative constructions in comparison to those of the interrogative sentences. The data comes from the Abzakh dialect (West Circassian), bringing out an overt counterfactual schema in the correlative constructions.

Key words: correlative constructions, Circassian, Abzakh, interrogative-based correlatives, counterfactuals.


Wednesday 20 march 2024 at 2:30 pm, talk by Maria Konoshenko & Maria Khachaturyan : "Tonal systems in contact: A two-level tone language meets three level tones"


In this talk, we explore the multilingual acquisition of level tones in a contact situation. We analyse production data from Mano and
Kpelle, two Mande languages that are only distantly related to each other but are spoken in the same region of Forest Guinea (West
Africa). Both languages have level tones, but crucially, in Mano, there is a three-way lexical Low/Mid/High contrast, while Kpelle only
features a binary Low/High contrast. We discuss how Kpelle-dominant bilinguals, who have two tonal categories in their dominant language,
produce three level tones in Mano, and compare their tonal realisations with those of the benchmarks, i.e. Mano-dominant
speakers, as well as with Kpelle benchmark production. We show that Low and High tones in Mano are relatively easy to acquire for
Kpelle-dominant speakers, but the Mid tone is challenging for some. We then discuss whether acoustic similarity, tone frequency and
phonological markedness can account for the observed variation.

Mardi 05 mars 2024 à 14 h 30, Exposé de Jean ROHLEDER :"Méthodes de terrain en pays kanak : travailler en milieux plurilingues post-colonisés"


New Caledonia is a fascinating terrain to work in. Linguistically highly diverse, with typically Melanesian small communities, widespread multilingualism, and a conscious differentiation between varieties, it is in many ways a dream come true for linguistic fieldworkers. But New Caledonia is also a French territory. The French language and culture have had a huge impact on this last French settlers colony. Today, about half the population are not indigenous. After several organized attempts to gain independence, not all speakers are thrilled to work with outsiders. In this situation, it is important to think about some questions that go beyond language description. How do you get informed consent? How do you deal with e.g. loanwords, loan phones, rapidly changing inventories, language attrition, difficult social situations?

This talk will introduce New Caledonia and its socio-cultural context, but makes the claim that the challenges encountered there are at play in most post-colonial, small-scale multilingual societies.

Focussing on northern New Caledonia, we will use the case of Vamale as an example of the pressures that develop on a speech community in a colonial and post-colonial context, and before that background discuss the field experiences of several researchers in the last 10 years. As usual in these cases, no rubber stamp solutions exist, but being able to contextualise the challenges is enormously helpful for any fieldworker. While the talk is mostly socio-linguistic and historical in nature, we’ll discuss language contact phenomena in Vamale as well as some cases of rapid language change and attrition.

Mardi 20 février 2024 à 14 h 30, Exposé de Sauvane AGNES (Sorbone University) : “Proximités et distinctions entre ‘noms’ et ‘verbes’ dans les langues algonquiennes : difficultés descriptives et perspectives théoriques générales en synchronie”

Abstract in french:

Les langues algonquiennes, langues autochtones d’Amérique du Nord, sont décrites comme des langues polysynthétiques où de nombreux morphèmes plus ou moins indépendants interviennent dans des mécanismes de composition et de dérivation complexes, tant dans la formation de verbes que dans la formation de noms ; et cela, à différents niveaux de constituance. Les formes verbales connaissent deux principaux paradigmes (appelés « ordres » dans la littérature algonquiniste) : l’un donne des formes verbales finies ayant une fonction de prédicat syntaxique au sein d’une proposition – le paradigme indépendant -, l’autre – ‘ordre conjonctif’, ou paradigme dépendant – caractérise des formes non-finies du verbe ne pouvant accéder à la fonction de prédicat syntaxique et ayant alors une autre fonction au sein de la proposition (argument, modifieur, complément ou circonstant). Par ailleurs, certaines parties du discours, notamment des adverbes et des noms, peuvent accéder directement à la fonction de prédicat syntaxique, sans l’intermédiaire d’une dérivation ou d’une copule, ce qui atteste du caractère multiprédicatif (cf. Henri 2011) de ces langues. En plus de cet accès commun à certaines fonctions syntaxiques, l’homophonie de plusieurs suffixes verbaux du paradigme indépendant avec les suffixes nominaux de nombre et d’« obviatif » (i.e. un marquage nominal et verbal relevant de l’anaphore différentielle et déterminant en quelque sorte un statut syntaxique oblique pour l’argument ainsi marqué) m’a amenée à questionner l’appropriation d’une véritable distinction nom/verbe dans les langues algonquiennes, en tout cas à suggérer qu’elle puisse être redéfinie sur la base de critères plus pertinents. Cet exposé, s’appuyant principalement sur les données d’une langue algonquienne du Québec, l’innu-aimun, propose de parcourir certains critères permettant de rapprocher ou au contraire de distinguer les ‘noms’ et les ‘verbes’ en innu, et de s’interroger sur les perspectives théoriques susceptibles de décrire au mieux les combinaisons morphosyntaxiques observées dans cette langue.

Mardi 14 novembre 2023 à 14 h 30, Exposé de M. Garaoun (doctorant, EPHE - LLACAN) : "Enquêtes zoonomiques dans la Kabylie des Babors : Méthodologie, contraintes & difficultés"

Résumé :

Dans le cadre de ma thèse doctorale, j’ai été amené à effectuer des recherches sur la zoonymie (noms d’animaux) du massif des Babors en Algérie (Kabylie orientale) dans les différentes variétés d’amazigh et d’arabe locales. Cette région de montagnes littorales est l’une des plus riches en espèces animales et végétales d’Algérie (un hotspot écologique), avec un fort taux d’endémisme, et une grande diversité environnementale (milieux marins, côte littorale, montagnes, vallées, forêts de feuillus et de conifères, etc.).
Au moyen de cette présentation, je souhaiterais vous présenter la manière dont j’ai procédé pour mener cette enquête de terrain : ma méthodologie, mes outils, les obstacles que j’ai rencontré et les solutions que j’ai trouvé pour y remédier.
Nous pourrons faire suivre cette présentation d’une discussion sur les difficultés de la recherches zoonymique/phytonymique sur vos terrains respectifs.
References :
Carlson, R. (1983). “Downstep in Supyire.” In: Studies in African Linguistics 14.1, 35–45. doi:
Clark, M. M. (1980). “On the treatment of syntactically-distributed downstep.” In: Studies in African Linguistics 11, 101–137.
Goldsmith, J. A. (1976). “An overview of autosegmental phonology.” In: Linguistic Analysis 2, 23–68.
— (1978). Autosegmental phonology. New York: Garland Press.
Hyman, L. M. (1979). “A reanalysis of tonal downstep.” In: Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 1, 9–29. doi:
— (2007). “Universals of tone rules: 30 years later.” In: Tones and tunes: Studies in word and sentence prosody. Ed. by T. Riad & C. Gussenhoven. Vol. 1.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1–34.
— (2017). “Synchronic vs. diachronic naturalness: Hyman and Schuh (1974) revisited.” In: UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Lab Annual Report 13.1, 226–242.
Hyman, L. M. & W. R. Leben (2021). “Tone systems.” In: The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody. Ed. by C. Gussenhoven & C. Aoju. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 45–65. uRl: 1093/oxfordhb/9780198832232.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780198832232-e-6.
Leben, W. R. (1973). “Suprasegmental Phonology.” PhD thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
— (2018). The nature(s) of downstep. Invited paper, SLAO/1er Colloque International, Humboldt Kolleg Abidjan 2014 revised 4 September 2018.
Lionnet, F. (2022). “Tone and downstep in Paicî (Oceanic, New Caledonia).” In: Phonological Data and Analysis 4.1, 1–47.
Maddieson, I. (2013). “The World Atlas of Language Structures Online.” In: ed. by M. S. Dryer & M. Haspelmath. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology. Chap. Tone. uRl:
Odden, D. (1982). “Tonal phenomena in Kishambaa.” In: Studies in African Linguistics 13.2, 177–208. doi:
Perekhvalskaya, E. & V. Vydrin (2023). “Tonal density and types of tonal systems.” Unpublished manuscript.
Rialland, A. (1997). “Le parcours du “downstep” ou l’evolution d’une notion.” In: Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 92, 207–243.
Yip, M. (2002). Tone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mardi 20 juin 2023 à 14 h 30, Exposé de Neige Rochant (doctorante LACITO) : "Tone in Baga Pukur / Les tons en baga pukur"


Cet exposé portera sur le système tonal du baga pukur, une langue atlantique (Niger-Congo) parlée par quelques centaines de locuteurs dans deux villages de la région côtière de Guinée. Le baga pukur n’ayant fait l’objet d’aucune description avant la grammaire entreprise depuis 2019 dans le cadre de ma thèse de doctorat, toutes les données employées sont issues de mon travail de terrain. Après avoir proposé une analyse relativement classique du système tonal du baga pukur comme un système privatif mettant en contraste un ton haut (H), un ton bas (L), un ton de contour descendant (HL) et des syllabes dépourvues de ton sous-jacent (Ø), j’exposerai un argumentaire en faveur d’une analyse de L en tant que downstep sous-jacent.


Carlson, R. (1983). “Downstep in Supyire.” In: Studies in African Linguistics 14.1, 35–45. doi:
Clark, M. M. (1980). “On the treatment of syntactically-distributed downstep.” In: Studies in African Linguistics 11, 101–137.
Goldsmith, J. A. (1976). “An overview of autosegmental phonology.” In: Linguistic Analysis 2, 23–68.
— (1978). Autosegmental phonology. New York: Garland Press.
Hyman, L. M. (1979). “A reanalysis of tonal downstep.” In: Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 1, 9–29. doi:
— (2007). “Universals of tone rules: 30 years later.” In: Tones and tunes: Studies in word and sentence prosody. Ed. by T. Riad & C. Gussenhoven. Vol. 1.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1–34.
— (2017). “Synchronic vs. diachronic naturalness: Hyman and Schuh (1974) revisited.” In: UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Lab Annual Report 13.1, 226–242.
Hyman, L. M. & W. R. Leben (2021). “Tone systems.” In: The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody. Ed. by C. Gussenhoven & C. Aoju. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 45–65. uRl: 1093/oxfordhb/9780198832232.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780198832232-e-6.
Leben, W. R. (1973). “Suprasegmental Phonology.” PhD thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
— (2018). The nature(s) of downstep. Invited paper, SLAO/1er Colloque International, Humboldt Kolleg Abidjan 2014 revised 4 September 2018.
Lionnet, F. (2022). “Tone and downstep in Paicî (Oceanic, New Caledonia).” In: Phonological Data and Analysis 4.1, 1–47.
Maddieson, I. (2013). “The World Atlas of Language Structures Online.” In: ed. by M. S. Dryer & M. Haspelmath. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology. Chap. Tone. uRl:
Odden, D. (1982). “Tonal phenomena in Kishambaa.” In: Studies in African Linguistics 13.2, 177–208. doi:
Perekhvalskaya, E. & V. Vydrin (2023). “Tonal density and types of tonal systems.” Unpublished manuscript.
Rialland, A. (1997). “Le parcours du “downstep” ou l’evolution d’une notion.” In: Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 92, 207–243.
Yip, M. (2002). Tone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Lundi 22 Mai 2023 à 14 h 30, Exposé de Maria Khachaturyan (postdoc, University of Helsinki) : Contact-induced variation in reflexivity marking: convergence, divergence and social meaning


It is commonly assumed in language contact studies that languages spoken by multilinguals become more like one another, which leads to long-term convergence between the languages. This does not lead to a sweeping linguistic uniformity, however: there is still an incredible linguistic diversity across the world’s languages. This diversity is partly due to an opposite process — the process of diversification of neighboring languages which was called “neighbor opposition” (Evans 2019).
However, while the results of convergence and diversification are rather well studied, little is known about the complex and contradictory process of convergence and divergence and the role of social factors in it.
In this talk, I present my ongoing study of language contact between the Mano and the Kpelle languages of Guinea and show how, despite the potential of convergence, languages remain distinct. Focusing on variation in reflexive marking, an additional question I raise concerns differences in domains affected by convergence and divergence.
Specifically, I discuss whether contact-induced variation in grammatical patterns can have social meaning on a par with linguistic features with concrete exponents, such as phonetic, morphological or lexical variables.
Mardi 21 mars 2023 à 14 h 30, Exposé de Lacina Silue : "The syntax of reported discourse in Kafire (Senufo, Côte d’Ivoire) : an overview of the constructions and a leap into the universe of the functional domain of demonstration"


Reported discourse is an important feature of human languages, whether for their characterization (Coulmas 1986: 2, Haberland 1986: 219) or for their buildup (Jakobson 1962: 96, Spronck & Casartelli 2021).
Reported discourse constructions are usually presented as syntactically involving both a reporting segment and a reported segment, with the latter ‘acting’ as if it were the object argument of the speech verb contained in the former (Noonan 1985, Givón 1980: 121, Quirk et al. 1985: 1022–1025) (see Vandelanotte (2008), Munro (1982), De Roeck (1994), McGregor (1994) for more discussion on that topic). However, not only cross-linguistic evidence shows the limit of such a conception (Munro 1982, De Roeck 1994, McGregor 1994), but also this conception gives a restricted picture of the reported discourse constructions occurring in human languages (Güldemann 2008, Mathis & Yule 1994, Spronck 2017).
This presentation presents data showing that reported discourse constructions are rather diverse, especially in Kafire (Senufo, Côte d’Ivoire). It will be shown based on narratives data that the reported discourse constructions involving both the reporting and the reported segments are not the most frequent kind of construction. The frequency hierarchy is presented as Continuation constructions > DR Event + Discourse report (reporting segment + reported segment) > Bare Quotes > Others.
This presentation is also the occasion to explore briefly an interesting aspect of reported discourse within the linguistic system, namely its relation with gesture and expressive elements such as interjections, ideophones and onomatopoeias.
The functional domain that groups them is named demonstration (Clark & Gerrig 1990, Güldemann 2008, Nikitina & Bugaeva 2021)


Clark, Herbert H & Richard J Gerrig. 1990. Quotations as demonstrations. Language. 764–805.
Coulmas, Florian. 1986. Reported speech: some general issues. Direct and indirect speech 31. 1–28.
De Roeck, Marijke. 1994. A functional typology of speech reports. In Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, Lisbeth Falster Jakobsen & Lone Schack Rasmussen (eds.), Function and Expression in Functional Grammar. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER. DOI: 10.1515/9783110872620.331.
Givón, Talmy. 1980. The binding hierarchy and the typology of complements. Studies in Language. International Journal sponsored by the Foundation “Foundations of Language” 4(3). 333–377.
Güldemann, Tom. 2008. Quotative Indexes in African Languages. A Synchronic and Diachronic Survey. en. Georg Bossong, Bernard Comrie & Yaron Matras (eds.) (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT]). Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. DOI: 10.1515/9783110211450.
Haberland, Hartmut. 1986. Reported speech in danish. Direct and indirect speech. 219–254.
Jakobson, Roman. 1962. Phonological Studies, volume 1 of Selected Writings. Mouton, The Hague.
Mathis, Terrie & George Yule. 1994. Zero quotatives. Discourse processes 18(1). 63–76.
McGregor, William. 1994. The grammar of reported speech and thought in Gooniyandi. en. Australian Journal of Linguistics 14(1). 63–92. DOI: 10.1080/07268609408599502.
Munro, Pamela. 1982. On the transitivity of ‘say’ verbs. In Studies in Transitivity, 301–318. Brill.
Nikitina, Tatiana & Anna Bugaeva. 2021. Logophoric speech is not indirect: towards a syntactic approach to reported speech constructions. Linguistics 59(3). 609–633.
Noonan, M. 1985. Complementation. In T. Shopen (ed.), Complex constructions, vol. 2 (Language Typology and Syntactic Description), 42–140. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Quirk, Randolph et al. 1985. A comprehensive grammar of the english language. London: Longman.
Spronck, Stef. 2017. Defenestration: deconstructing the frame-in relation in ungarinyin. English. Journal of Pragmatics. 104–133. DOI: 10.1016 / j . pragma.2017.03.016.
Spronck, Stef & Daniela Casartelli. 2021. In a manner of speaking: how reported speech may have shaped grammar. Frontiers in Communication. 150.
Vandelanotte, Lieven. 2008. Dependency, framing, scope? The syntagmatic structure of sentences of speech or thought representation. WORD. 59(1-2). 55–82. DOI: 10.1080/00437956.2008.11432581.
Mardi 14 février 2023 à 14 h 30, Exposé de Adam J. R. Tallman : "The phonetics of tone sandhi in Chácobo (Pano) from morph to utterance"
Résumé :
Chácobo, a southern Pano language of the northern Bolivian Amazon, is a tonal language with three types of lexical tonal specifications on syllables: toneless, LH, LHH. The language displays a tone sandhi process whereby adjacent LH.LH tones reduce to LL.H (kaʂǎ=mǎ  kàʂà=má ‘play-CAUS‘ make him/her/them play’). Tallman (2018, 2021b) describes the process as obligatory at junctures within a subspan of the verb stem, but optional outside of this domain. This talk provides a statistical of the phonetics of tone sandhi in the “optional” cases to determine whether it is more likely at certain boundaries rather than others and to assess the effects of other factors, such as bigram morph frequency and the type of constituency boundary. In typical studies of boundary effects and phonetic reduction, abstract and indeterminate categories such as (phonological or morphosyntactic) “word” and “phrase” are used as variables (Kilbourn-Ceron & Sonderegger 2017; Seifart et al. 2021). However, such categories are not cross-linguistically conmeasurable, the identification of “word” and “phrase” boundaries can vary depending on which diagnostics are prioritized (Russell 1999; Schiering et al. 2010; Croft 2010; Bickel & Zuñiga 2017; Tallman 2021a). I present a solution to this problem by tagging morphosyntactic elements with positions in an abstract template called a “planar structure” – a coding device that does not presuppose a specific constituency analysis. This allows us to assess phonetic reduction at junctures which can reflect competing hypotheses with respect to what the word or phrase or any other constituent are in a language (coded as domains over the planar structure). This talk will present a pilot study showing how tone sandhi can be studied with respect to a more fine-grained, and cross-linguistically conmeasurable, representation of sentence structure.


References :
Bickel, B., & Zuñiga, F. (2017). The ‘word’ in polysynthetic languages: phonological and syntactic challenges. In M. Fortascue, M. Mithun, & N. Evans (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis (pp. 158-186). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Croft, W. (2010). Radical Construction Grammar. In T. Hoffman, & G. Trousdale (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar (pp. 211-232). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Russell, K. (1999). What’s with all these long words anyway? In P. Bar-El, R.-M. Dechaine, & C. Reinholtz (Ed.), Papers from the Workshop on Structure & Constituency in Native American languages (pp. 119-130). MIT Occasional Papers in Linguistics 17.
Schiering, R., Balthasar, B., & Hildebrandt, K. A. (2010). The prosodic word is not universal, but emergent. Journal of Linguistics, 46(3), 657-709.
Seifart, F., Strunk, J., Danielson, S., Hartmann, I., Pakendorf, B., Wichmann, S., . . . Bickel, B. (2021). The extent and degree of utterance-final word lengthening in spontaneous speech from 10 languages. Linguistics Vanguard.
Sonderegger, O. K.-C. (2018). Boundary phenomena and variability in Japanese high vowel devoicing. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 36, 175-217.
Tallman, A. J. (2018). A Grammar of Chácobo, a southern Pano language of the northern Bolivian Amazon. Austin: University of Texas at Austin.
Tallman, A. J. (2021a). Analysis and falsifiability in practice. Theoretical linguistics, 45(2), 95-112.
Tallman, A. J. (2021b). Constituency and coincidence in Chácobo (Pano). Studies in Language, 45(2), 321-382.
Tallman, A. J., Auderset, S., & Uchihara, H. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Constituency and Coincidence in the Americas. Berlin: Language Sciences Press.
jeudi 8 décembre 2022 à 14 h 30, Exposé de H. Gérardin : "Ergativité et scissions d’alignement dans les langues kartvéliennes"
Abstract in french:


Les langues caucasiques du Sud, aussi appelées kartvéliennes, comportent quatre langues : le géorgien (langue officielle de Géorgie) et trois langues minoritaires parlées en Géorgie et en Turquie : le mingrélien, le laze et le svane. Dans les travaux typologiques, ces langues sont connues pour présenter un alignement où l’ergativité occupe une place importante, trait qu’elles partagent avec les autres langues caucasiques, bien que non apparentées. L’objectif de cet exposé est de dresser un tableau de l’alignement dans les quatre langues kartvéliennes et de montrer que dans chacune d’entre elles, l’ergativité ne représente qu’une partie du système. En effet, bien que très différentes les unes des autres du point de vue de l’alignement, les quatre langues présentent plusieurs scissions, de divers ordres et conditionnées par divers critères. On y trouve ainsi de l’ergativité scindée (selon les temps/aspect/mode/évidentialité) mais aussi de l’intransitivité scindée et des scissions relevant de la nature des actants ou encore de la classe lexicale du verbe. L’étude proposée, qui s’appuie à la fois sur des données de première main récoltées sur le terrain et sur des données de seconde main tirées de recueils de textes, tend à montrer que les systèmes d’alignement dans les langues kartvéliennes sont plus complexes que ce que laissent généralement entrevoir les grammaires, et empêchent toute catégorisation de ces langues comme simples « langues ergatives ».
Mercredi 28 septembre 2022 à 14h30, Exposé de C. Tribulato : "Special languages and identity performance: a social scenario for language change"


The present research investigate the role of special-languages (‘Sonderprachen’) in the formation of the so-called forms of Para-Romani, i.e. mixed varieties formed by the inclusion of Romani lexicon into the grammatical frames of the language spoken by the non-Roma population. This explores the hypothesis of an emergence due to convergence between Romani-speaking and indigenous peripatetic populations, through a process that may have involved both the loss of Romani grammatical inflection and the total or partial relexification of special indigenous lexicons drawing on Romani material. To this end will be discussed the role of Romani as a source language in the process of lexical renewal that is ongoing in Dritto—the jargon of the Italian Travellers, as a consequence of the intense and prolonged coexistence between Sinti and non-Sinti travellers within the economic niche of itinerant show business. This work examines the driving factors behind this contact-induced shift by considering the changing socio-economic context faced by the travelling community in the last decades.
Jeudi 19 mai 2022, de 14h30 à 16h30. Exposé de K. Walker : « Differential Argument Indexing in Kamang ».

Résumé en anglais :

Kamang, an Alor-Pantar (non-Austronesian) language of Indonesia, exhibits differential argument indexing (DAI) on a subset of verbs. In DAI, differential marking is manifested by a verbal affix, contrasting with the better-known differential argument flagging (case marking, adpositions). Several Alor-Pantar languages exhibit DAI, whereby a prefix on the verb indexes the (transitive) P argument or the (intransitive) S argument, alternating with zero-marking. Previous studies reveal various referential and event-related factors involved in DAI in these languages, alongside high degrees of lexical stipulation (Fedden et al. 2013, 2014).
In Kamang, DAI involves (at least) three different prefixes – called the /a/-series, /e/-series and /o/-series – which may alternate with zero marking, with each other, or not alternate at all. For instance, faafa ‘search for’ in (1) alternates between an /a/-series prefix in (1)a and zero in (1)b, depending on the animacy of the P argument.
(1) a. ge-dum=a ga-faafa                        b. taweng te-bini Ø-faafa
3./e/-child=SPEC 3./a/-search.for                in.turns CMN./e/-lice Ø-search.for
‘[she] kept looking for the child’                   ‘[they] search for each other’s lice’
In this talk, I present results from a quantitative corpus study on which factors condition DAI in Kamang. Using a corpus of spoken narratives annotated with the GRAID schema (Haig & Schnell 2014), we found that zero marking is more frequent than previously assumed. The results confirm that the purely animacy-conditioned alternation in (1) is not productive, and that alternations available to particular verbs are primarily lexically stipulated. However, we also found that the realisation of the independent argument had an effect on DAI: the P index is more likely to be zero when the clause contains an overt independent P argument (pronoun/NP). This effect is not found for S arguments.
For S arguments, I look at a subset of verbs that alternate between zero-marking and an /e/-series prefix, illustrated by tak ‘run’ in (2) (from Schapper 2014:326).
(2) a. kui Ø-tak                  b. kui ge-tak
dog Ø-run                         dog 3./e/-run
‘The dog runs.’                  ‘The dog ran off (was forced to run).’

This alternation is described as expressing a difference in affectedness: the /e/-series prefix in (2)b indexes a more-affected S, compared to a less-affected zero-marked S in (2)a (Schapper 2014: 255). However, telicity may be a more relevant factor than affectedness: ge-tak has a telic interpretation (is an ‘active accomplishment’ (Van Valin 2015: 718) in terms of its Aktionsart), while zero-marked tak has an atelic interpretation (Vendler’s ‘activity’ (Van Valin 2015: 718)). Telicity is a factor in some differential flagging systems cross-linguistically, usually of the P argument (e.g., Finnish), but sometimes of S (e.g., Georgian). Kamang’s differential S indexing with the /e/-series, then, is
somewhat unusual cross-linguistically, as well as compared to other Alor-Pantar languages, in which volitionality/affectedness is more often involved in DAI.

Fedden, S., Brown, D., Corbett, G., Holton, G., Klamer, M., Robinson, L.C., & Schapper, A. 2013. Conditions on pronominal marking in Alor-Pantar languages. Linguistics 51(1): 33–74.
Fedden, S., Brown, D., Kratochvíl, F., Robinson, L. C., & Schapper, A. 2014. Variation in pronominal indexing: Lexical stipulation vs. referential properties in Alor-Pantar languages. Studies in
38:1, 44–79.
Haig, G., & Schnell, S. 2014. Annotations using GRAID (Grammatical Relations and Animacy in Discourse). Version 7.0. (
Schapper, A. 2014. ‘Kamang’. In A. Schapper (ed) The Papuan languages of Timor, Alor and Pantar: Volume 1: Sketch grammars. Boston/Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 285–350.
Van Valin, R. D. 2015. Role and Reference Grammar as a Framework for Linguistic Analysis. In B. Heine and H. Narrog The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis (2 ed.). Oxford: OUP. 707–742

Mercredi 30 mars 2022, de 14h30 à 16h30. Exposé d'Izabela Jordanoska (post-doctoral researcher at Lacito) "The use of quotative verbs in Macedonian folktales"

Résumé en anglais :

There are three generic speech verbs in Macedonian (South Slavic): vika, veli and reče ‘says’. By looking at the various grammars (e.g., Lunt 1952, Koneski 1965, Friedman 2001) and by studying the language through elicitation and non-spontaneous discourse, one gets the impression that these verbs behave like prototypical transitive verbs: they take a subject (i.,e. the speaker) and a complement (i.e., the reported clause). However, when one looks at spontaneous narrative data, for example when speakers are asked to tell a story or life event, reče shows striking properties that point towards an early-stage grammaticalization process of a quotative marker. For example, reče can get repeated throughout a discourse report, as illustrated in (1).

1) vika na žena-ta sea reče čekaj ja
say.IPFV.PRS.3SG to wife-DET.F now say.PFV.3SG wait.IMP.SG 1SG.NOM
ḱe= mu= kaža-m niv reče drug pat
FUT= 3SG.M.DAT= tell.PFV-PRS.1SG 3PL.DAT say.PFV.3SG other time
‘He told his wife: “Now,” he said, “wait, I will,” he said, “show them!”’

In (1) the discourse report is introduced by vika, and throughout the quote marked twice again with reče. Furthermore, (2) illustrates that the verb reče, when used as a proper speech verb, rather than a quotative, gets inflected, in this case to rekol, the aorist participle form.

2) stario mu= rek-ol zemi si ja reče nevesta-ta
3SG.M.DAT= say-AOR.LPTCP.M take REFL 3SG.F.ACC say.PFV.3SG bride-DEF.F
‘The old man said: “Take,” he said, “the bride.”’

My dataset consists of folktales, told by speakers from the Prilep dialect, annotated with the Spreechreporting ELAN template (Nikitina et al. 2019). Based this corpus, I show that reče shows properties of grammaticalizing into a quotative marker: i) it gets combined with other speech verbs, ii) it tends to occur
following the first phonological word of the discourse report, iii) it loses its inflection and iv) it gets phonetically reduced.
Finally, the use of quotatives and quotative verbs is colloquial. They do not occur in careful speech, and not all consultants who were recorded used it. Reče was only used by older speakers telling folk stories, while younger, urban speakers telling personal narratives used a different quotative marker: kao demek, illustrated in (4), which combines the similative kao ‘like’ with demek ‘that is’ (from Turkish demek ‘say’).

3) mu= vika-m ovoa e plastikane e
3SG.M.DAT= say.IPFV.PRS-1SG DEM.N be.PRS.3SG plastic NEG be.PRS.3SG
drvo kao demek
wood like
‘I tell him like: “This is plastic, not wood.”’

Unlike reče, which can appear in intermediate positions in the quote, as in (2) and (3), kao demek in my data always appear at the end of the quote.

Friedman, Victor A. 2001. Macedonian (SEELRC Reference Grammars). Durham: Duke University: The Slavic & Eurasian Language Resource Center. http ://
Koneski, Blaže. 1965. Istorija na makedonskiot jazik. Skopje: Kočo Racin.
Lunt, Horace Gray. 1952. A grammar of the Macedonian literary language. Državno knigoizdatelstvo na NR Makedonija Skopje.
Nikitina, T., Hantgan-Sonko, A. & Chanard, C. (2019). Reported speech annotation template for ELAN. discourse reporting in African Storytelling repository.

Mercredi 23 février 2022, de 14h30 à 16h30. Exposé de Mirella Blum (U. Edimbourg) "Hearing suprasegmentals over the internet: methodologies for remote fieldwork during and after COVID-19"

Résumé en anglais :

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the ability of linguists to conduct
fieldwork—due both to travel restrictions and to the devastating effect of the pandemic on some indigenous and minority communities. Unfortunately, however, COVID isn’t going anywhere anytime soon—nor are the serious inequities, both societal and environmental, that the pandemic has only served to emphasize. In this presentation, I explore methodological approaches for remote fieldwork both qualitative and quantitative. These issues are applied to research on Dinka, a West Nilotic language spoken in South Sudan, which is known for its complex set of suprasegmental contrasts. Binary voice quality, ternary vowel length, and tone are all independently contrastive, and a monosyllabic word template means that almost all of the language’s morphology is expressed via these suprasegmental contrasts, which are all both lexical and morphological. Some examples of near-minimal pairs/sets are displayed below.

One can see from these examples that in order to do any work on the language—whether this be purely descriptive or within any domain of theory—accurate and precise transcription is absolutely imperative. But how can this be accomplished during the pandemic?

I will show that through a combination of creative technological workarounds and work with long-term reference consultants, it is possible to conduct research remotely on a variety of topics in Dinka, and thus in other languages as well, though specific issues will vary from language to language. These topics include a phonetic study on voice quality and tone, which emphasizes the researcher-speaker relationship and which involves the making of high quality recordings; a typological study on adjectives; a phonological study on floating tone targets in one dialect of Dinka; and the documentation of the tone system and morphosyntax of an undescribed dialect of Dinka. In describing the challenges in each of these studies, I will explore applied methodology for conducting remote linguistic fieldwork in general, giving specific problems I encountered and how I solved them using the tools available during remote fieldwork. Working remotely may currently be a linguist’s worst-case scenario, but it should be considered as a viable method for linguistic fieldwork, and is potentially a more ethical choice moving forward.

Mardi 30 novembre 2021 Exposé de Tatiana Nikitina (LLACAN) Documenting traditional storytelling: Challenges and implications
Résumé en anglais :
Across cultures, traditional storytelling is in decline, replaced with new Westernized ways of instruction and entertainment. This process, facilitated by
the spread and growing importance of literacy, results in critical endangerment of traditional oral skills among younger generations of speakers,
even in situations where the language in question cannot be considered endangered. Our project aims to document and explore traditional storytelling
in a selection of languages, focusing in particular on strategies storytellers use to report another’s discourse. In this talk I discuss our documentation
efforts and the methodological challenges we encounter. I illustrate ways in which traditional storytelling is a unique source of linguistic evidence
on grammatical phenomena that cannot be explored based on elicitation. I present two case studies of such phenomena:
the early stages of grammaticalization of the verb ‘say’ into a marker of quotation in Chuvash (a Turkic language spoken in Russia),
and discourse functions associated with interjections in Chuvash, in comparison with Wan (a Mande language spoken in Côte d’Ivoire).
Mercredi 17 novembre 2021 Exposé de Rikker Dockum (Visiting Assistant Professor, Swarthmore College) The Tonal Comparative Method: classification and reconstruction in Southeast Asia
Résumé en anglais :
To date, the majority of attention given to sound change in lexical tone languages has focused on how they become tonal, a process known as tonogenesis. Perhaps the most crucial insight to date in accounting for tonogenesis is that lexically contrastive tone, a suprasegmental feature, is born from segmental origins. Following tonogenesis, however, tones continue to undergo splits, mergers, and random drift. How to incorporate post-tonogenesis tonal change into tasks such as reconstruction, subgrouping, and language classification has remained controversial. The predominant conventional wisdom has long been that tone is unreliable and not part of the traditional Comparative Method. Using languages from the Tai branch of the Kra-Dai languages as a model, this talk presents the Tonal Comparative Method, a way to incorporate tonal evidence into our historical analyses in a manner that is consistent with the first principles of the longstanding method.
Jeudi 14 octobre 2021 Exposé de Julie Marsault (PhD, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) - Les enjeux sociolinguistiques et méthodologiques du terrain dans une communauté autochtone d'Amérique du Nord: les Omahas
    Résumé :

Suite à plusieurs séjours aux États-Unis dans le cadre de ma thèse, portant sur la description grammaticale de la langue autochtone omaha (autonyme : umoⁿhoⁿ), je propose de partager mon expérience de terrain et les réflexions qui en ont découlé. Je présenterai d’abord le contexte historique et socio-économique de ma recherche, notamment le fait que les États-Unis sont une  « colonie de peuplement » (« settler colonialism », Wolfe 1999, Dunbar-Ortiz 2014), dont certains mécanismes coloniaux sont toujours d’actualité.

Dans un tel contexte, bien que ma thèse porte sur un domaine technique – la syntaxe –, et pourrait ainsi être considérée comme « neutre », on constate sur place qu’il n’en est rien. J’exposerai les enjeux de la documentation et de la revitalisation de l’omaha et généralement des langues autochtones en Amérique du Nord, ainsi que les préjudices possibles à la communauté par le biais de la recherche.

Je conclurai avec les nouvelles approches en termes de documentation et recherche (comme la « participatory action research », Cammarota & Fine 2008, Hamilton et al. 2019), et les techniques que j’ai adoptées pour tenter de concilier les besoins de la communauté et les exigences du monde académique.

Références :
Cammarota, Julio & Michelle Fine (eds.). 2008. Revolutionizing Education: Youth Participatory Action Research in Motion. New York: Routledge.
Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne. 2014. An indigenous peoples’ history of the United States. Beacon Press, Boston.
Hamilton, Vanessa, Carlton LeCount, Nicole Parker Cariaga & Kristine Sudbeck. 2019. « Research On vs. research With. 21stCentury Cross-Cultural Collaboratin and American Indian Education. » in Great Plains Research 29. 17–24.
Wolfe, Patrick. 1999. Settler colonialism and the transformation of anthropology. London: Cassel.

4 décembre 2019 Exposé d'Albert Davletshin (Russian State University for the Humanities / National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow) sur Ecological constraints and structure of basic lexicon in Polynesian languages

Résumé en anglais :
Languages carve the world in different categories: they encode events in different ways, they also conceptualize objects and social relations differently. Polynesia offer dozens of cases when the ancestral language independently evolved in different ecological environments – big volcanic islands, medium-size raised coral platforms and tiny low atolls. Importantly, the last represent extreme environmental conditions for humans. In my talk I will try to show that ecological peculiarities of Polynesian islands affect the structure and development of the basic lexicon. Many examples will come from my fieldwork on the Polynesian Outliers of Papua-New Guinea – Nukeria, Takuu and Nukumanu

6 novembre 2019 Exposé de M. Ning Wang (doctorant Paris IV/Lacito), sur L'enquête de terrain sur le wu de Suzhou : ses locuteurs sont-ils doués pour la langue française ?

Résumé :
La langue wu fait partie des langues sinitiques et est en synchronie toujours différente du mandarin malgré le contact de langues intense. Par conséquent, la langue wu est suffisamment différente du mandarin pour qu’il n’y ait pas intercompréhension entre les deux langues à l’oral. Le wu connaît des variétés régionales telles celles de Shanghai ou de Suzhou notamment, mais mon travail ne concerne que la variété de wu parlée à Suzhou. Si les phonèmes /p/, /t/, /k/ du mandarin se réalisent et se perçoivent dans tous les contextes comme des sons sourds, il n’en va pas de même pour la langue wu. Effectivement, bien qu’ayant, elle aussi dans son système phonologique les phonèmes /p/, /t/ et /k/, on constate que dans les unités complexes formées par composition et lorsque ces phonèmes se retrouvent en position intervocalique alors si le registre tonal intrinsèque de la voyelle qui les suit est bas, ils seront réalisés [b], [d] et [g]. Cette particularité phonétique observée donc uniquement dans les complexes unitaires composés et est de plus liée au registre tonal.
    Par exemple : En associant 番 [fe44] « étranger » et 茄 [ka223] « aubergine », on obtient le composé 番茄 [fe44ga31] « tomate ».
Face à cette situation, il est intéressant de se demander si les apprenants du français dont la langue première est le wu perçoivent et produisent plus facilement que les locuteurs du mandarin les phonèmes occlusifs voisés du français.
    Au niveau phonétique, j’ai procédé à deux collectes de données à Suzhou et à Beijing en Chine (en collaboration avec plusieurs universités et instituts qui protègent la langue wu telles que l’Université de Suzhou, Subai institut, chaîne de télé de Suzhou et etc.) auprès de Chinois apprenant le français et parlant soit le wu soit le mandarin. Ces deux expériences étaient spécifiquement tournées sur la production et la perception des occlusives voisées du français par ces locuteurs. Grâce à ces deux terrains et une littérature abondante, j’ai pu, en analysant les données acoustiques, décrire d’une manière fine le système phonologique et tonologique de la langue wu parlée à Suzhou.
    Au niveau de l’acquisition d’une nouvelle langue, j’aimerais répondre à deux questions :
    1) Est-ce que les apprenants wu de Suzhou ont une meilleure acquisition des occlusives voisées du français que leurs homologues mandarinophones ?
    2) Est-ce que les apprenants de Suzhou perçoivent et produisent aussi facilement le voisement des occlusives du français à l’initiale qu’à l’intervocalique ?
    Mon enquête permettra de dire si le groupe wu devrait être capable par assimilation de percevoir et de réaliser dans toutes les positions les phonèmes occlusifs voisés du français alors que le groupe mandarin devrait ne pas pouvoir les assimiler.
    À la fin, une discussion sur de nombreux modèles théoriques, e.g. Speech Learning Model (SLM) de Flege (1989, 1995, 2003) et Perceptual Acquisition Model (PAM) de Best (1995) et Best & Tyler (2007) sera proposée afin de vérifier si ceux-ci ont raison d’un point de vue phonologique et phonétique ou si finalement seul l’un d’entre eux est plus réaliste sur mes données.

16 octobre 2019 Exposé de Kate Bellamy (post-doctorante au Lacito), sur Gender assignment strategies in mixed Batsbi-Georgian nominal constructions: Evidence from three datasets

Résumé en anglais :
Batsbi has five grammatical genders: masculine and feminine refer to humans only, whereas the three other genders (called B, D, J after the form of their agreement targets) have a non-transparent semantic distribution (Wichers Schreur, forthc.). In contrast, Georgian has no grammatical gender. In this talk I discuss how Batsbi-Georgian bilinguals assign gender to Georgian nouns appearing in otherwise Batsbi utterances, such as baqqõ cxviri ‘big nose’ which contain a Georgian noun preceded by a Batsbi adjective. I will present data from a director-matcher (production) task, a forced-choice acceptability judgement (comprehension) task, as well as corpus data.
    Previous codeswitching studies (e.g. Liceras et al., 2016; Parafita Couto et al., 2015), identify three gender assignment strategies in mixed nominal constructions: (i) analogy, where the gender of the noun’s translation equivalent dictates assignment; (ii) phonological cues from the ungendered language that coincide with gender assignment in the gendered language; or (iii) a default gender preference, often masculine.
    In the director-matcher production task (adapted from Gullberg et al., 2009; N = 12), I in over 90% of nominal constructions, the adjective assumes the gender of the Batsbi translation equivalent. The remaining responses display a clear preference for D gender as the default choice. The acceptability judgement task (N = 12) too displays a preference for the translation equivalent, but phonological analogy plays a non-negligible role, and default responses also occur. The corpus data also support a preference for the translation equivalent, with little to no influence of phonology or default strategies.
    These results point towards a preference for gender assignment based on analogical criteria. This is surprising given that (1) phonological cues have played a role in loanword adaptation in the history of Batsbi, and (2) the B gender is an unproductive class for loanwords (Wichers Schreur, forthc.). However, the mixed results lend provisional support to previous studies that also encounter variation in strategy as a function of task type and order of acquisition of the gendered and non-gendered language. I will also discuss the notion of default gender in relation to a non-binary system.
— Gullberg, Marianne, Peter Indefrey and Pieter Muysken (2009), Research techniques for the study of code-switching, in B. Bullock and A. J. Toribio (eds), (2009), The Cambridge handbook of linguistic code-switching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 21-39.
— Liceras, Juana, Raquel Fernández Fuertes and Rachel Klassen (2016), Language dominance and language nativeness: The view from English-Spanish codeswitching, in R. E. Guzzardo Tamargo, C. M. Mazak and M. C. Parafita Couto (eds.), (2016), Spanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 107-138.
— Parafita Couto, M. Carmen, Amaia Munarriz, Irantzu Epelde, Margaret Deuchar and Beñat Oyharçabal (2015), Gender conflict resolution in Spanish–Basque mixed DPs, Bilingualism, Language and Cognition, 18(2), 304-323.
— Wichers Schreur, Jesse (forthc.), The adaptation of borrowed nouns into the gender system of Batsbi (Nakh-Daghestanian, Georgia), in D. Forker and L. A. Grenoble (eds.), (forthc.), Language contact in the territory of the former Soviet Union.

11 septembre 2019 Exposé de Nicolas Tournadre (Professeur à l'Univ. Aix-Marseille / Lacito) sur Hiérarchies et stratégies évidentielles en ladakhi : le cas des perceptions sensorielles

Résumé :
Toutes les langues tibétiques ont développé des systèmes verbaux évidentiels et épistémiques (dorénavant : E-E) qui comptent parmi les plus complexes au monde (cf Tournadre & LaPolla, 2014 ; Gawne & Hill, 2018). Les marqueurs de perception sensorielle jouent un rôle déterminant dans les systèmes E-E des langues tibétiques.
Les langues tibétiques qui distinguent au sein de leur système E-E les perceptions visuelles des perceptions non-visuelles sont minoritaires. Elles se trouvent essentiellement à l’ouest de l’aire tibétique. Nous allons aborder ici le système du Ladakhi, parlé au nord-ouest de l’Inde. Dans une première approche, on peut décrire l’opposition entre les marqueurs /duk/ et /rak/ (ainsi que leurs allomorphes) comme étant une ‘perception visuelle’ pour le premier et une ‘perception non-visuelle’ pour le second. L’opposition entre les perceptions visuelles et non-visuelles est largement fondée mais nous allons montrer que les choses sont beaucoup plus complexes et que d’autres facteurs – notamment, la hiérarchie des valeurs évidentielles, la portée temporelle et le caractère partageable de l’expérience sensorielle – interviennent dans le choix de ces formes.

19 juin 2019 (séance reportée)
16 mai 2019, dans le cadre d'un séminaire commun "Terrain, analyse et comparaison des langues (TACOL)" / "Jeux de Langage" Exposé de Darja Hoenigman (ANU) sur The significance of the incomprehensible in Awiakay and Meakambut songs

Résumé en anglais :
The Awiakay people of East Sepik Province in Papua New Guinea closely identify themselves with a cycle of 42 songs, called Kaunjambi. While much of this cycle is composed in a non-translatable spirit language, the abundance of parallelisms uncovers what the words keep hidden.
Parallelism is an ordered interplay between repetition and variation, in which the non-repeated elements or variables are associated on the basis of similarity. The logic of these associations is opaque if we look only at the physical or most literal senses of the words/phrases compared. They carry symbolic implications which are ‘infused by cultural assumptions’ (in the sense used by Roger Keesing 1979), and can only be understood in reference to other aspects of Awiakay lifeworld.
In this talk, accompanied by subtitled video segments, we will explore various forms of parallelism used in Kaunjambi, and compare them with the ones in Meakambut songs.
Rérérence :
— Keesing, Roger M. 1979. Linguistic Knowledge and Cultural Knowledge: Some Doubts and Speculations. In: American Anthropologist. Vol. 81:1, pp. 14–36.

15 mai 2019 Exposé de Sylvain Loiseau, sur Verbal morphology in Tuwari

Résumé en anglais :
As with several Papuan languages the morphological complexity in Tuwari lays mostly in the verbal domain. Beside TAM values, verb morphology expresses various mechanisms of clause combining. After a short introduction to the Tuwari I will propose in this presentation to focus on a couple of open questions concerning the analysis of verbal morphology from a corpus of examples.

9 mai 2019 Exposé de Cécile Guillaume-Pey (CR au CEIAS du CNRS) sur Inventions scripturaires et assertions identitaires dans des groupes tribaux en Inde

Résumé :
Depuis la période coloniale, les inventions d’écritures se multiplient dans les tribus de l’Inde, groupes qui s’auto-désignent également par le terme Adivasi signifiant « premiers habitants ». À partir des années 1930, des prophètes inventent des graphies pour transcrire leurs langues, créations souvent présentées comme des ”découvertes” de signes inscrits sur des pierres. De nos jours, ces écritures inventées par des leadeurs charismatiques cristallisent les revendications identitaires de groupes marginalisés d’un point de vue linguistique, religieux et politique. Des signes gravés sur des roches entourés de gestes de dévotion aux manuels scolaires, des sites web aux installations artistiques dans des galeries à l’étranger, les écritures adivasi circulent et s’exposent dans des espaces et sur des supports dont la variété reflète la diversité de leurs usages. Dans mon exposé, je m’intéressai en particulier aux écritures créées par les Sora de l’Odisha (centre-est) et par des groupes Kuki/Zo du Manipur, à la frontière indo-birmane.

7 mai 2019 Exposé de Giorgos Vardakis (stagiaire au Lacito), sur Le corfioto : documentation d'une langue romane en contact

Résumé :
La littérature sur la communauté juive de Corfou, une des plus historiques de Grèce, a longtemps fait référence à la langue usitée par ses membres dès la première installation des Juifs d’origine italienne sur l’île au XIVe siècle. Dernière trace de la richesse culturelle et linguistique de la capitale des Iles ioniennes, le corfioto, constitue à l’heure actuelle une langue en voie de disparition, usitée par les descendants des derniers survivants de la Shoah dont la majorité réside en Israël. Cent ans après la première description de quelques moindres traits du corfioto, qualifié souvent comme langue judéo-italienne, deux enquêtes de terrain effectuées en Israël et à Corfou dans le cadre de ma dernière année d’études en master de linguistique ont révélé l’intérêt particulier d’une langue romane dont le contact avec le grec a considérablement marqué la catégorie du verbe. Lors de cet exposé qui marque la fin de mon stage de recherche au Lacito, j’aurai l’occasion de présenter les questions principales concernant le système verbal du corfioto.

24 avril 2019 Exposé d'Alexandra Vydrina (Lacito), sur Names, ideophones and reported speech: how demonstration causes focus raising in Kakabe

Résumé en anglais :
Main clauses, as opposed to subordinate clauses, are the main assertive points of complex sentences. Therefore, the oppositions of information structure are more likely to be expressed in the latter than in the former. This assumption is confirmed by a cross-linguistic tendency: a considerable number of non-related languages have restrictions on the expression of information structure (IS) oppositions within subordinate clauses; see Matić et al. (2014). In my talk, I will present the case of Kakabe, a Western Mande language in which the expression of focus is not allowed within subordinate clauses. The particular way in which this restriction is dealt with in this language is rather unexpected: when the focalized constituent is part of a subordinate clause, the focus marker that usually appears to the right of the focused constituent, appears instead within the main clause.
     Interestingly, apart from subordinate clauses, there are other categories of expressions, that also cause such ‘focus raising’ in Kakabe, namely, ideophones, names in naming constructions, expressive adverbs. There is a growing amount of evidence in the literature suggesting that cross-linguistically,all of these three categories appear in a particular type of extra-clausal position (see Matushansky 2008 and Clark and Gerrig 1990 on names, Dingemanse 2012 on ideophones, Haselow 2016 on expressive adverbs). The behavior of the focus marker in Kakabe, therefore, provides important evidence about the properties of focus markers in general: not only do they tend to avoid subordinate clauses, as shown in (Matić et al. 2014), but they are also sensitive to the presence of small-clause structures.
Références :
— Clark, Herbert H., and Richard J. Gerrig. 1990. “Quotations as Demonstrations.” Language 66 (4): 764–805.
— Dingemanse, Mark. 2012. “Advances in the Cross-Linguistic Study of Ideophones.” Language and Linguistics Compass 6 (10): 654–72.
— Haselow, Alexander. 2016. “Intensifying Adverbs ‘Outside the Clause’: A Cognitive Analysis.” In Studies in Language Companion Series, edited by Gunther Kaltenböck, Evelien Keizer, and Arne Lohmann, 178:379–416. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
— Matić, Dejan, Rik van Gijn, and Robert D. van Valin Jr. 2014. “Information Structure and Reference Tracking in Complex Sentences: An Overview.” In Typological Studies in Language, edited by Rik van Gijn, Jeremy Hammond, Dejan Matić, Saskia van Putten, and Ana Vilacy Galucio, 105:1–42. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
— Matushansky, Ora. 2008. “On the Linguistic Complexity of Proper Names.” Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (5): 573–627.

4 avril 2019, dans le cadre d'un sémaire commun "Jeux de Langage" / "Terrain, analyse et comparaison des langues (TACOL)" Exposé de Nancy Hawker (Oxford University) sur Only joking? The pragmatics of multilingual humour in Palestinian and Israeli political discourse

Résumé en anglais :
The problem that will be tackled through Only joking is the reconciliation of the ethnographic collection of speech data with the pragmatics-based discourse analysis of isolated samples. Where does the emic perspective of the speakers end and where does the researcher’s etic framing start? Seminar participants will have the chance to read and interpret a few examples of recognisable genres of humour, such as face-threatening jokes (Haugh 2016), self-deprecating jests (Schnurr & Holmes 2009) and parody (Bakhtin 1994; Hawker 2018). The samples were recorded during the researcher’s fieldwork on the 2015 Israeli election campaigns, or extracted from archival records. Humour has been put to use for forming, maintaining, and disrupting interpersonal relations (Meyer 2000), in this case with repercussions for the inclusion or exclusion of Palestinian politicians from the Israeli political class. Sometimes, the humourous intent failed, and this revealed the complexity and fragility of humorous interaction especially in a fraught context (Bell 2015). The evidence, analysis and argument are taken from the forthcoming book The Politics of Palestinian Multilingualism: Speaking for citizenship — however, that book is not at all humorous!
The polyvalent social effects of humour are brought together in this seminar in order to highlight, ultimately, one point: Though the speakers are caught between two ideologies of monolingualism following parallel and conflictual one-nation-one-language equations, the multilingual practices that they express within multiple discursive constraints and consequences will continue for as long as they are pragmatically useful. The rhetorical attractiveness of humour in particular (“The problem with political jokes is they get elected!“) means that ideologies hold power over explicit attitudes, but not so much over tacitly understood practices. If the seminar can confirm that the pragmatic purposes are identifiable beyond the immediate instances of the speakers’ tacit intent and/or the interlocutors’ laughter, then the evidence from the practices can go beyond enriching the description of discursive patterns towards intervening for the re-evaluation of multilingualism in the double-monolingual context. The empirical counterpoint challenges the policies of Hebrew hegemony and Arabic containment — but is does this researcher’s framing overstep the ethnographic evidential base?
Références :
— Bakhtin, Mikhail. 1994 (1929-1975) The Bakhtin Reader: Selected Writings of Bakhtin, Medvedev, and Voloshinov ed. and trans. by Pam Morris (London: E. Arnold).
— Bell, Nancy. 2015. We are not amused: Failed humor in interaction. (Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton).
— Haugh, Michael. 2016. “Just kidding”: Teasing and claims to non-serious intent. Journal of Pragmatics 95: 120-136.
— Hawker, Nancy. 2019 (forthcoming). The Politics of Palestinian Multilingualism: Speaking for citizenship. (London/New York: Routledge).
— Hawker, Nancy. 2018. Arabic borrowing of the Hebrew word menahēl ‘manager’: Articulations and ideologies. In Stefano Manfredi & Mauro Tosco (eds), Arabic in contact. (Amsterdam: John Benjamins) pp. 332-347.
— Meyer, John C. 2000. Humor as a double-edged sword: Four functions of humor in communication. Communication theory 10.3: 310-331.
— Schnurr, Stephanie, and Janet Holmes. 2009. Using humor to do masculinity at work. In Humor in Interaction ed. by Norrick, Neil R., and Delia Chiaro (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins) pp.101-123.

20 mars 2019 Exposé de Franck Guillemain (UPS 2259) & Alexis Michaud sur Vidéo sur le terrain : un projet conjoint de documentation linguistique et de film documentaire

Résumé :
Une mission sur le terrain dans le Yunnan (Chine) en 2018 a permis des enregistrements vidéo, dont une partie destinée à la documentation linguistique et une autre à la préparation d’un film documentaire (“Retour à Yongning”). Lors du séminaire, nous reviendrons sur la formulation et la réalisation de ce projet commun entre un spécialiste d’audiovisuel (intéressé à créer un documentaire au sujet du travail du linguiste) et un linguiste essentiellement soucieux de documentation fondamentale. Le dialogue entre nos perspectives respectives soulève des questions d’ordre général, notamment au sujet des données vidéo originales, dont seule une petite partie trouvera place dans le film documentaire. Quels sont les usages possibles de ces séquences ? Nous aimerions suggérer que ces séquences dé-rushées, pour lesquels nous proposons le terme d’oursons*, auraient vocation à être accueillies par une base de données.
*Dans le vocabulaire du cinéma, l’« ours » constitue un premier montage : simple mise bout à bout de séquences dont l’intérêt est ressorti lors de l’étape du dé-rushage. Les « oursons » seraient les différentes séquences dont est composé l’« ours ».

17 mars 2019 Exposé de Jérémy Pasquereau & Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (Surrey Morphology Group, University of Surrey) sur Pluractionality and subject number in Seri (Cmiique Iitom, isolate, Sonora, Mexico)

Résumé en anglais :
Seri verb stem-suffix forms encode at least two categories: one uncontroversially marks subject number while the other category, morphologized as the ‘multiple form’ is more elusive and has been described in previous work (Moser 1961; Marlett 2016; Moser and Marlett 2010) as reflecting (combinations of) (i) event number, (ii) object number, or (iii) grammatical aspect. For instance the verb ‘run’ has two singular subject forms – -panzx and the multiple form -pá́nozxim – and two plural subject forms – -pá́ncojc and the multiple form -pá́ncoxlca. The morphological realization of the two categories is extremely complex due to a large amount of allomorphy and a high degree of paradigmatic variety. This morphological complexity has been extensively described (Marlett 2016; Baerman 2017) but so far little is known about their meanings. We propose that multiple forms in Seri lexicalize a pluractional operator (Cabredo Hofherr, Pasquereau, and O’Meara 2018). But multiple forms seem to have different properties depending on whether their subject is singular or plural. In current work, we explore the hypothesis that the multiple form used with singular subjects lexicalizes an iterative marker whereas that used with plural subjects lexicalizes a distributive marker. This would imply that the four cells do not correspond to two categories as ‘multiple’ would not be a homogeneous feature across singular and plural subject forms.
Références :
— Baerman, M. (2017). Seri verb classes: morphosyntactic motivation and morphological autonomy. Language 92(4), 792–823.
— Cabredo Hofherr, P., J. Pasquereau, and C. O’Meara (2018). Event plurality in Seri. In Proceedings of SULA 10.
— Marlett, S. A. (2016). Cmiique Iitom: the Seri language. Unpublished grammar (2016 draft).
— Moser, E. (1961). Number in Seri verbs. Master’s thesis, University of Pennsylvania.
— Moser, M. B. and S. A. Marlett (2010). Comcaac quih yaza quih hant ihiip hac = Diccionario seri-españ̃ol-inglé́s. Colecció́n Bicentenario. Mexico City and Sonora: Plaza y Valdé́s editores and Universidad de Sonora.

20 février 2019 Exposé de Camille Simon (Lacito) sur Marques de posture épistémique en tibétain de l'Amdo

Résumé (en pdf pour une meilleure lisibilité du tableau) :
On trouve, dans certains dialectes tibétains de l’Amdo, deux morphèmes spécialisés dans l’expression de valeurs interactionnelles. Si leurs fonctions primaires les rapprochent de particules discursives, elles s’en distinguent par leur nature grammaticale : il s’agit en effet de copules et de suffixes verbaux, appartenant à des paradigmes de temps-aspect-mode-évidentiel. Cette présentation se basera sur les données de corpus pour proposer une description préliminaire de ces morphèmes, en relation avec le domaine évidentiel, fortement grammaticalisé dans les langues tibétiques.
     Je présenterai d’une part la copule équative ཡིན་ནི་རེད། /jənnəre/, la copule existentielle ཡོད་གི་རེད། /joɣəre/ et la marque de TAME générique V-གི་རེད། /V-ɣəre/.
(1) a. La copule équative jənnəre
ཆུང་-དུས་ ཨ་མ་ ང་-གཉིས་ ཁེར་མོ་ ཡིན་ནི་རེད།
ʧhoŋ-ti ama ŋa-ɲi khermo jənnəre
petit-when mère 1-DU seul EQU.FACT
‘[Tu ne peux pas le savoir mais] quand j’étais petite, ma mère et moi étions toutes seules.’
b. La copule existentielle jogəre
དགུན་ཁའ་ ཟླ་བ་ གསུམ་ ཡོད་གི་རེད།
ɦgənkha dawa xsəm jogəre
hiver.DAT mois trois EXIST.FACT
‘[Comme tu le sais bien] il y a trois mois en hiver.’
c. TAME générique V-gəre
ད་ བཤད-་གི་ཡོད་-དུས་ ཡིད་-འ་ ཐོན་-གཏོང་-གི་རེད།
ta fɕe-go-ʈi ji-la thon-toŋ-gəre
DISC parler-INACC-quand esprit-DAT venir-AUX-GENER.FACT
‘Bon, [tu peux bien imaginer que] quand on parle, les proverbe viennent à l’esprit.’
      L’analyse du contexte dans lequel ces formes apparaissent montrent qu’elles expriment un mode d’accès factuel à l’information, mais aussi que leur usage dépend de l’évaluation que le locuteur fait des connaissances de l’interlocuteur, et sert à réguler l’interaction : la première forme, la copule equative ཡིན་ནི་རེད། /jənnəre/ est employée lorsque le locuteur présuppose que son interlocuteur ignore tout de l’information donnée, et lui permet donc affirmer une autorité épistémique. A l’inverse, les deux autresformes la copule existentielle ཡོད་གི་རེད། /joɣəre/ et la marque de TAME générique V-གི་རེད། /V-ɣəre/ s’emploient lorsque le locuteur souhaite insister sur le caractère partagé de l’information : celle-ci est présentée comme relevant du socle commun de connaissances. Leur emploi permet donc aux interlocuteurs de réguler l’interaction en faisant varier leur posture épistémique.
     La présentation se divisera en trois parties : (1) une description des caractéristiques morphologiques et prosodiques des formes étudiées, et de leur place dans leurs paradigmesrespectifs ; (2) la présentation d’exemples en contexte, permettant d’analyser les fonctions pragmatiques et interactionnelles ; et (3) quelques remarques finales sur la distribution de ces formes : variation dialectale d’une part, et coocurrence avec des particules discursives finales.
     L’analyse, encore préliminaire, que je proposerai est, pour le moment, centrée sur une analyse des données, dans le but d’ouvrir à une discussion typologique plus large.

25 janvier 2019 Exposé de Yann Le Moullec (doctorant à l'Inalco) sur Comment lever la barrière de la langue ? Problème de communication chez les Zuruahá d'Amazonie brésilienne

Résumé :
Les Zuruahá sont 154 à vivre dans le territoire qui leur est réservé dans l’État d’Amazonas, au Nord-Ouest du Brésil. Ils parlent la dernière langue qui ne soit pas encore décrite dans la famille Arawá. Ma thèse devrait donc être une grammaire de leur langue. Or un problème de méthode se pose avant même ma première mission : je ne parle pas le zuruahá, aucun Zuruahá ne parle d’autre langue que la sienne, et seule une poignée d’étrangers (missionnaires, fonctionnaires et ethnologues) a pu acquérir (à la longue) une connaissance du zuruahá. Je donnerai un aperçu des pistes qui s’ouvrent à moi, et notamment de la méthode monolingue de Daniel Everett (2001). Mais ce séminaire se veut surtout l’occasion de partager expériences, idées et conseils.
Rérérence :
Everett, Daniel, 2001, « Monolingual field research », in Paul Newman & Martha Ratliff (dir.), Linguistic Fieldwork, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 166‑188.

Exposés 2018
  • 9 novembre 2018
    Exposé de Ghanshyam Sharma (Professeur en Langue et littérature hindi, Inalco) sur A Typology of Conditionals

  • 30 mai 2018
    Exposé d’Alexandra Vydrina sur Syntax, semantics and phonology of the segmental encoding of focus: the case of the Kakabe focus particle lè
    Résumé en anglais :
    In Kakabe, a Western Mande language, focus is expressed by the enclitic lè without directly involving prosody or syntax. In my talk I will provide the analysis of the syntactic and semantic properties of this focus particle on the data of natural speech.
    The focus-sensitive particles with additional semantic flavors, such as only (exclusive), even (scalar), etc. have been in the center of attention for several decades (König 1991). On the other hand, although the ‘pure’ focus particles that mark focus only do not seem uncommon across languages, their semantic and syntactic properties are very rarely discussed in detail (see e.g. Büring 2009: 26).
    Moreover, the syntactic accounts of focus markers usually limit the analysis of such particles to their marking-edge function, be it right or left, of the focused constituent (unless the position of the particle is fixed). As opposed to this view, I will show that, at least in Kakabe, the focus marker does not always appear at the edge of the focus scope. It is defined by a complex interplay between the size of the focus scope, the internal syntactic structure of the focused constituent, and its phonotactic properties. In some regards, these cooccurring factors resembles the mechanisms of nuclear stress assignment, well-known for its complexity (Ladd 1996, Gussenhoven 2007, Selkirk 2011), but it also displays some peculiarities due to its segmental nature.
    Littérature associée :
    — Büring, Daniel. 2009. Towards a typology of focus realization. In Malte Zimmermann & Caroline Féry (eds.), Information structure, 177–205. Oxford University Press. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    — Gussenhoven, Carlos. 2007. Notions and subnotions in information structure. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 55(3–4). 381–395.
    — König, Ekkehard. 1991. The meaning of focus particles: a comparative perspective. London; New York: Routledge.
    — Ladd, D. Robert. 1996. Intonational phonology. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
    — Selkirk, Elisabeth. 2011. The Syntax-Phonology Interface. The handbook of phonological theory, 435–484. Chichester, West Sussex, UK; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

  • 7 mars 2018
    Exposé d’Eleanor Ridge (SOAS, Londres) sur Serial verb constructions in Vatlongos (Vanuatu): Mismatches between formal and functional integration
    Résumé en anglais :
    This paper discusses serial verb constructions in Vatlongos, an Oceanic language spoken by around 3000 people in the south-east region of Ambrym island and elsewhere in Vanuatu. Analyses of serial verb constructions often posit a close relationship between the surface-level integration of two verbs and the extent of their functional integration. That is, a root-contiguous construction, as in (1), would represent a closer functional relationship between the component verbs than a non-contiguous construction like (2), where both verbs take affixes and arguments can intervene between them.
    (1) Mi-kaakau usil bien.
          3SG.NFUT-walk follow sea
         ‘She walked along the sea.’      20170331b_n01s034_30
    (2) Mi-leh xil la-be sip.
          3SG.NFUT-take 3PL 3PL.NFUT-NFUT.go_to ship
          ‘It took them to the ship.’      20150305h_h01s111_08
    The usage and development of serial verb constructions in Vatlongos does not support this equivalence and instead suggests that a single morphosyntactic strategy is opportunistically employed for a wide range of functional purposes, and is prone to reanalysis in ways that do not reflect the morphosyntactic structures involved. Firstly, the paper will examine synchronic data to show that a single formal type of serial verb construction is used for a wide range of functional relationships, from aspectual distinctions and argument merger through to adjuncts and comments. Secondly, it will look at the emergence of auxiliary verb constructions in the language to show how they have developed from non-contiguous serial verb constructions, and how this development in turn seems to be leading to further grammaticalization of subordination structures.

  • 12 février 2018
    Exposé de Fernando O. de Carvalho (Universidade Federal do Amapá, Brésil) sur Some recent advances in the historical linguistics of the Arawak language family (Brasil)
    Résumé en anglais :
    The Arawak family is the largest language group in South America. In this talk, I discuss a series of recent developments in its historical linguistics, stemming from careful application of the comparative method. I start showing how internal reconstruction and comparative reconstruction within clear subgroups made it possible to clarify aspects of the phonological diversification of individual languages. Besides, it promoted the identification of shared innovations in both the morphology and the lexicon, thus progressing beyond classifications based on geography, lexical retentions or ‘phenetic’ assessments of similarity. Another interesting outcome is the successful reconstruction, at intermediate proto-languages, of phonological contrasts whose existence at the Proto-Arawak level remains uncertain due to their haphazard distribution among daughter languages. Finally, I have identified lexical material lacking internal etymologies, but whose origins can be traced to contact with members of other language families, often informing us about the conditions under which contact took place. Phonological elements whose distribution is confined to loan strata of the vocabulary were also found, even though these elements were later introduced in the inherited word stock as part of alternations resulting from secondary developments such as split-mergers.

  • 25 janvier 2018
    Exposé d’Annie Rialland (Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, UMR 7018, CNRS/Sorbonne-Nouvelle) sur Intonation dans les langues africaines : Développements actuels
    Résumé :
    Bien que près d’un tiers des langues du monde soient parlées en Afrique, les travaux sur l’intonation des langues africaines restent rares et les ouvrages sur l’intonation, qu’ils soient des livres de synthèse ou des ouvrages collectifs, ont jusqu’à très récemment quasiment ignoré les langues africaines (Hirst & di Cristo 1999, Jun 2005, 2014, entre autres). Le livre “Intonation in African languages” (2016, Laura Downing et Annie Rialland, eds.) a commencé à combler cette lacune. Notre présentation s’appuiera fortement mais non exclusivement sur les études publiées dans ce livre. Notre but principal sera de dégager les développements actuels dans le domaine de l’intonation dans les langues africaines et de montrer comment ces études peuvent contribuer à une modélisation des relations entre tons et intonation et plus généralement à celle des phénomènes réalisés de façon concomitante.
          Les points que nous considèrerons plus particulièrement sont les suivants: 1) descentes mélodiques, 2) tons de frontières 3) expression de focus, 4) marquage des questions polaires.
    1) Descentes mélodiques. Les énoncés assertifs sont souvent descendants. Cependant, ces descentes mélodiques résultent de divers processus qui doivent être distingués et peuvent intervenir indépendamment les uns des autres. Les processus actuellement généralement reconnus sont: 1) La déclinaison, 2) Le downdrift, 3) Le downstep, 4) L’abaissement final. Ces processus tendent à être de mieux en mieux connus au fur et à mesure que notre connaissance de l’intonation s’améliore. Ainsi, la déclinaison, qui est une descente graduelle et linéaire, peut s’appliquer différemment selon la séquence de tons en question (Akan: Kügler, 2016). Le downdrift, très fréquent dans les réalisations de séquences alternantes de tons hauts ou moyens et de tons bas, tend à être asymptotique, avec une forme modélisable en termes d’équation impliquant une valeur asymptotique et un coefficient de réduction des intervalles (Chichewa: Myers, 1996). Le downdrift et le downstep peuvent être similaires ou différents dans une langue donnée (Wule Dagara: Rialland and Some, 2011). Le downdrift et le downstep manifestent l’un et l’autre des mécanismes d’anticipation qui peuvent être de longue portée. La pente et le domaine de l’abaissement final peuvent aussi différer d’une langue à l’autre et deux formes d’abaissement final peuvent se trouver dans une seule langue (Bemba: Kula, 2016).
    2) Tons de frontière. Quand on analyse une langue à tons, un des problèmes principaux qui est rencontré est la séparation entre tons lexicaux et “tons de frontière” (c’est à dire des tons associés à des frontières de constituants). Ces divers tons peuvent simplement se suivre, les tons de frontière pouvant être réalisés avant ou après les tons lexicaux. Ils peuvent aussi s’annuler les uns les autres dans certains contextes, les tons de frontière prenant alors le pas sur les tons lexicaux ou l’inverse (Shekgalagari: Hyman et Monaka 2011). D’autres relations que la succession entre tons lexicaux et tons de frontière ont également été dégagées. Nous verrons que ces tons peuvent se superposer, engendrant alors des realisations infra-basses ou supra-hautes (Embosi: Rialland & Aborobongui, 2016). Ils peuvent aussi s’attirer ou se repousser (Shingazidja: Patin, 2016, Embosi: Rialland & Aborobongui, 2016..
    3) Expression du focus. Les langues africaines remettent en question l’idée très largement répandue que le focus est associé à une proéminence prosodique. Elles présentent une très large diversité de faits : absence de marque prosodique de focus (Basaa: Makasso & al., 2016, Embosi: Rialland & Aborobongui, 2016; Tswana: Zerbian 2016), abaissement des termes en focus (Akan: Kügler, 2016), assignation d’un accent par défaut aux constituants hors focus (Chimiini: Kisseberth, 2016), modification du phrasing (Shingazidja: Patin, 2016), entre autres.
    4) Marquage prosodique des questions polaires. La littérature récente fait état d’une grande diversité de marquage prosodique des questions polaires: absence de marque prosodique, intonation montante, intonation descendante, voix soufflée, relèvement des derniers tons hauts, suspension du downdrift, suppression de l’allongement pénultième. Une attention particulière sera portée à la famille des intonations relâchées, souvent descendantes (“lax prosodies”), qui est une caractéristique de l’aire soudanique africaine (Rialland, 2009; Clements et Rialland, 2008).
          Les recherches sur l’intonation des langues africaines en sont à leur début et elles s’avèrent déjà riches en implications théoriques (modélisation des superpositions, modélisation des anticipations dans la production de la parole, enrichissements typologiques).

Exposés 2017
  • 21 novembre 2017
    Exposé de Christine Chabot (doctorante à Paris 3) sur Les constructions génitivales en coréen moderne
    Résumé :
    Le génitif est souvent défini comme un cas grammatical utilisé pour encoder la dépendance d’un nom vis-à-vis d’un autre nom au sein d’une construction nominale (Creissels, 2006a : 53). En coréen, ce type de marquage se caractérise par l’attachement du suffixe -ûi au nom dépendant, qui se trouve à gauche (position N1) dans la construction génitivale. Un syntagme génitival en coréen a donc typiquement la structure [N1-ûi N2] :
               할머니의 모자
              Halmôni-ûi mocha
              grand.mère-GEN chapeau
              « Le chapeau de Grand-mère ».
    Divers travaux ont mis en évidence l’usage variable de ce suffixe –ûi, mais peu l’ont étudiée de manière approfondie. Dans certains contextes en effet, Han (2012) montre que l’usage du suffixe –ûi est obligatoire, optionnel ou interdit. Pour éclairer cette variation, plusieurs hypothèses ont été proposées, liées à l’économie phonétique (Li, 1985) ou encore à l’expression de la définitude (Han 2012). À la lumière de données de première main collectées en 2015 et 2016 dans la région de Séoul, ces hypothèses demeurent toutefois insatisfaisantes.
    Dans le cadre d’une thèse centrée sur la recherche des différents facteurs influant sur l’usage du suffixe –ûi, cette présentation propose de mettre en avant les avancées permises par le recueil de données actuelles et de première main et par leur analyse. Nous verrons que la présence et l’absence du suffixe est liée avant tout à la relation établie entre les noms entrant dans la composition des constructions génitivales.
    Elle situera d’une part la place fonctionnelle que des langues syntaxiquement proches, comme le turc et le japonais, réservent à l’emploi du génitif. D’autre part, les aspects méthodologiques de la collecte de données et de l’analyse seront exposés. Enfin seront discutés les différents écueils et perspectives offerts par la proposition d’un classement des types nominaux, qui mènera à une typologie des relations nominales des constructions génitivales.

  • 18 octobre 2017
    Exposé de Mary Walworth (MPI Iéna) sur. Polynesian possession: A new approach
    Résumé en anglais :
    The innovation of distinctive binary possessive marking in Polynesian languages has long intrigued Pacific linguists. In these languages, possessed nouns are marked by a morpheme whose vowel is sometimes o, sometimes a. While this distinction (henceforth referred to as the “A/O distinction”) is itself uncontroversial, the semantic value of the contrast has been continually debated. In early discussions, Biggs (1969) and Clark (1976) suggested that the opposition is one of dominance. Wilson, in 1982, suggested that it is more related to agency and control of the possessor. Several other proposals have more recently been offered to account for the A/O contrast: spatial representation (Bennardo 2000), alienability (Buse 1996, Besnier 2000, Næss 2000), transitivity (Cook 2000), as well as varied relationships (Moyse-Faurie 2000).
    Based on native speaker and ethno-centered accounts of possession in Polynesian languages (Mulloy and Rapu 1977, Volkel 2010, Taumoefolau 1996), I suggest that the A/O distinction is best described using the Polynesian concept of mana, ‘inherent power or energy’, where the distinction between A/O relies on an association of a possessor’s mana with respect to the possessum. In this talk, I will review the existing and varied descriptions for the semantic nature of this distinction. I will then demonstrate the possessive distinction in several Polynesian languages and will offer an explanation and a new semantic reconstruction for it, based in the Polynesian interpretation of mana and the marked socio-political hierarchies that were developed by speakers of Proto-Polynesian.

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