Exhibitions & Research Communication
You will find here several exhibitions realized by Lacito during its existence. Some are old, others much less so, but all have the interest of presenting in a lively and accessible way essential themes of linguistics and anthropology in the field – whose intellectual significance for the reasoned and sensitive description of local cultures and for what they bring to our understanding of humanity will soon be seen. These exhibitions also allow us, in their own way, to follow the progress of French research in this field over the last twenty years.
The reconstitution of the exhibition panels, the graphic design and the realization of the web pages – including images and video – are the result of the long term work, a kind of immense “puzzle”, of Laurent Venot. Some panels could not be reconstituted, either because their elements had been reused for later exhibitions, or because successive moves had produced their harmful effects.
Many researchers of the Laboratory have contributed to these exhibitions with their science, their documents, their concrete experience of the described cultures; they are quoted for each panel. But the exhibitions were above all the result of the work of conception, creation and assembly of a small team, cited at the head of the list of exhibitions.
- Exhibitions: for what? how?
Here is how, in 1984, J. M.C. Thomas, the first director of Lacito, explained the purpose and the scope of these exhibitions: “The scientific researcher appears – and willingly thinks of himself – as a specialist in knowledge, in knowledge in its totality, in universal science, even if to officiate in this temple of Thoth, he must be satisfied with only one arcane today: his specialty. However, for humanity to progress in the path of knowledge and know-how, it is essential that the sum of knowledge and technology, not only accumulated but also purified in the circle of specialists, be made available to the greatest number of people, thanks to multiple practical applications and a high level of popularization. If this is true for all sciences, it is even more so for the sciences of man and society, which are concerned with the observation of human beings in their daily lives. It is very rare that the observed human being benefits from the results of the observation, especially when these results are delivered in the form of theses, communications to international conferences, publications of such a high technical level that only specialists can find their way. This is why the LACITO directs part of its activities towards the popularization of its research and wants to promote its application among the populations studied.
- List of the exhibitions
Conception et réalisation : Charlotte Levantal, Danièle Molez et Laurent Venot, avec Yves Moñino, Jean-Pierre Caprile, Anne Fauchois et Claire Moyse-Faurie.
2003 – A descoberta das civilisações de tradição oral, Museu do Índio, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, 29 mai-7 juin 1998 – La découverte des civilisations à tradition orale, Paris, France, 6-11 octobre 1990 – Le corps et l’expression linguistique, Paris, France, 15-19 février 1989 – Singulier / pluriel – des noms et des nombres, Paris, France, 2- 6 février 1988 – Changement social, évolution lexicale, Paris, France, 18-22 février 1987 – Nommer son milieu naturel, Paris, France, février 1986 – Les noms de couleurs, Paris, France, 18-23 février 1985 – Corps, rythme et communication dans différentes langues à tradition orale, Paris, France, 1er-5 février 1984 – De l’oral à l’écrit, Paris, France, 25-30 janvier 1983 – Les civilisations de l’oralité dans le monde moderne, Paris, France, 28 janvier-1er février
2003 – A descoberta das civilisações de tradição oral, Museu do Índio, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, 29 mai -7 juin 2003